Gas lighting J.K Rowling

Michelle Roberts
3 min readJul 15, 2020


In an effort to make our dystopian reality more hellish many progressive individuals have jumped on the anti-science bandwagon to erase trans-gender and trans-sexual individuals. Ms. Rowling is an advocate and supporter for both biological women and trans individuals alike, which as we know, is NOT to be tolerated.

It is very clear who is factually correct, Ms. Rowling, and who is as they say “transphobic”, which are progressive ideologues. There is no shortage of individuals who believe that sex is not biological, rather a socially made and overt tool for oppression. Individuals like Riley Dennis take care in their efforts to explain this rationale to others, and while it is a valiant effort, it does more harm than good to be proponents of confusing, illogical, and even more derisive ideals. The progressive belief is that there is no biological sex because abnormalities exist. In an effort to diminish scientific knowledge and the lived experience of many people out there, this idea has been allowed to flourish and in a very kind way Ms. Rowling dared to stand up and say biological sex is real. Ms. Rowling should absolutely be defended because she stands against all the believers who want to erase trans people entirely.

This is why I want to bring attention to the gaslighting of J.K Rowling. She is being made out to be a monster in the public eye, being called a TERF (trans exclusionary radical feminist) or a bigot or any number of slurs. The progressive twitter mob wants her to doubt reality. The real threat to the validity of trans individuals are the believers that spout about how trans sexuals don’t exist. They can’t exist in a world where there is no male and female. If you are born without sex (in the minds of the believers) then your belief in being of a (different) sex is not in line with the progressive belief system.

To normal, at least somewhat educated people the idea of transexualism makes sense logically and scientifically. If you are born XX but believe you are XY then you are suffering from gender dysphoria, if you undergo cosmetic changes to look more XY then you are transexual. It makes a lot more sense to just stick with science and believe trans-folk exist rather than to completely uproot the system in an effort to erase them.

So don’t try to erase the existence of women and trans people like the progressive mob. Be inclusive like J.K Rowling, and understand that while science isn’t perfect, we can at least understand biology and the existence of those who are born different. We can do more to help those who suffer with gender dysphoria if we understand science and biology, we can work on ways to help them live comfortably by means of therapy or cosmetology, but we cannot help them live normal lives if we erase the concept of normal male and female to begin with.

J.K’s essay going more into detail about her thoughts on the subject



Michelle Roberts

I recently decided to try my hand at writing, to get my foot in the door in the online world. I enjoy controversial topics, the ancient world, and more.